Direct Mail Pricing Guide

Calculate the Cost of Your Postcard & Gift Card Mailings

Scroll to see pricing for all products.

Neighborhood Mailing

A neighborhood mailing list is a list of addresses in a specific geographic area that can be used to send direct mail to potential customers.

Database Mailing

A database mailing uses a list that you upload of active clients, past clients, or prospects that you are wanting to target with direct mail.



6″x11″ Postcard
(full color, two sided, etc.)

5.6″x4.25″ Giftcard
(full color, two sided, etc)

Neighborhood Mailing
(Qty 1-1000)



Neighborhood Mailing
(Qty 1001+)



Database Mailing
(Qty 1-1000)



Database Mailings
(Qty 1001+)


